So this week finally sees the release of my single Disco Sirens...
For a long time the working title was Rave Disco and the unrevolutionary idea was to make a mid-tempo, hip hop, disco track in homage to some of my all time favourite tracks by the Sugarhill Gang, Funky plus 1 and Spoonie Gee, but with some Rave noises in it... see what i did there??
The track features the brilliant Vila from The Bumblebeez on vocals, I was always a fan of her work and was very happy when she agreed to collaborate. Getting vocals back from people is always a bit nervewracking and so I was hugely relieved when I got them back and she had come up with the line 'I'm in love with the Disco Sirens'.
I played an early version to Xavier from Justice who really liked it but felt that my bassline was a bit ploddy and lacked funk and replayed the bassline and simplified the drums for me, adding that certain 'je ne sais quoi'. Soulwax very kindly helped with the final mix.
So I thought I'd put up an early demo version of it.. to show you just how ploddy it was. I'd put an accapella of Check It Out by The Beastie Boys over the top just to, y'know, check the flow...
If there's anyone who hasn't taken it off a blog site yet you can buy it at DJ Download, Beatport, HMV or here..
The Sugarhill Gang are playing Bestival! - you coming, Damian?
Disco Sirens? In my book there is only one ... Check out the video for Linda Clifford's Runaway Love on Youtube. Classic 70s NY. You can't help but smile. Fleur xx
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